Flora Martín, Mercè Casamor, María Martínez, Cristina López and Marta Molina
July 2, 2022
Party, big party, Alliance party, joyful party for all of us who are here, consecration party in Nazareth, missionary party.
The Mystery of God's love always surpasses us and always attracts us, and seeing consecrated women like Flora with 50 years of profession, years of experience of the alliance and 25 of Mercè, Cristina, Mary and Marta, where the Fidelity of God is manifested in the fidelity of each one of them.
The closeness of Jesus, the raison d'être of their lives, is the great source of joy, for this reason we can well repeat with Saint Paul, the invitation to joy, to them and to all, rejoice.
Rejoice in the Lord, missionaries of Nazareth, because your dedication has been and is evident to all the witnesses of your lives. Cameroon, Indonesia, Spain, Australia know of your good work and dedication.
Commitment, fidelity are always a source of joy. let us rejoice.
With joy, Gratitude. Thanksgiving because Flora, Marta, Cristina, Mercè and Mary are missionaries, because the Lord Jesus is the center of their lives, their hearts are universal and their minds are open to all cultures. Gratitude because they know how to recognize everything good, everything noble, everything beautiful, and they know how to find all the traits that God leaves in his creatures. They know how to love.
With bread and wine today we will place the life of each one on the altar, so that, by renewing their consecration, their being salt and their being light of the world becomes more evident. Consecrated lives capable of giving Christian flavor to everything human, lives that are light for the path, because they live in the heart of the one who is the Light of the world.
If the profession, the consecration is always made within the celebration of the Eucharist because of what it has of commitment, of alliance, of desire for transformation in Christ Jesus of whom, whoever professes wants to have the same feelings, all the more so the celebration of We celebrate so many years of consecrated life today in the Eucharist, a spring where every day we drink with joy the living water from the sources of salvation that the psalm proclaims.
We begin our celebration in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the name of God the Trinity, who called you by name long ago to be his collaborators, his accomplices in the beautiful mission of educating children and youth, the fruit of their contemplation of the Mystery of Nazareth.
With hearts full of gratitude to the Faithful God, we celebrate the joyful fidelity of our sisters.