Being a Nazareth Missionary
Formative Process
The process of formation in Religious Life leads us to configure our heart with that heart of Jesus. Every life process is marked by time, by goals, rhythms and areas of work. In our case, it is the same. Initial formation is the process we go through through during the first years in the Congregation.
It is the stage where the young girl comes into contact with the Congregation through a religious community. At this stage the aspirant discovers the motivations and knows the skills required to respond to God's call.
Its objective is to favor the encounter with Christ, personal knowledge and to begin in Religious Life by integrating normally into community life with the purpose of consolidating the vocation and following Christ in the Mystery of Nazareth.
Likewise, this time allows the Congregation to know the dispositions and aptitudes of the young woman for Religious Life.
"The novitiate is the fundamental stage of the formative process and its purpose is to know the essential demands of religious life, exercise in the practice of evangelical counsels according to our Constitutions and open up to the apostolic mission within fraternal life in community" . (Const. 81) (Const 81).
After the novitiate, the young woman can make the first profession of religious vows: temporary profession.
Juniors are the religious sisters with temporary vows.
“During this time they must consolidate and strengthen their initial option of following Christ in Nazareth, integrating themselves into family life within the community and actively inserting themselves in the apostolic ministry of the Congregation, continuing their formation in order to prepare for their definitive consecration.” (Const. 91). (Const. 91)