First profession and renewals in Cameroon

On August 20, 2022 we joyfully celebrate the Profession of Sandra Nguego in Loum.

The Lord did wonders for me, holy is his name.

My joy is immense because today I understood that a long time ago, that you love me Lord

So my joy is great and you see it in me.

I am joyful, in grace and gratitude on this special day when I said yes to the Lord. The Lord has seduced me since my childhood and I have allowed myself to be molded by him through the aspirantate, the postulancy and the novitiate; formation stages during which I had to closely observe this loving relationship between him and me that started as a game. It is true that sometimes I had to resist but he was always the strongest. And today, I can say like little Samuel: "Lord, here I am." Speak, Lord, your servant listens." Thus, during this first stage of initial formation, I discovered, experienced, and savored that the vocation to the consecrated life is a grace and not a merit, which requires total self-giving with self-sacrifice.

Knowing that everything is grace, I cannot end this celebration without saying: Thank the Lord for showering me with his grace to lead me to this. To Jesus, for having called me to follow him, to Mary, our mother of all, and to Joseph, protector of my graces.

Therefore, I express my gratitude and thanks to the Lord for the gift of life and the call to the consecrated life: a life to which I have given myself entirely to serve God and his Church through men, my brothers. .

My sincere thanks to my dear and loving biological family for raising me in the Christian faith without which we would not be here and for agreeing to donate me to the Church.

I address my gratitude to my congregation, to the Mother General and to her council, who do not cease to spare efforts to give me a quality religious and human formation.

Thanks to all my sisters for the support, encouragement, advice and charitable fraternal corrections.

Everything happens under the grace of God with the protection of Jesus, Mary and Joseph because in Nazareth I always felt at home living in joy and celebration.

My most sincere gratitude to the Mother General represented here by the Vicar General in the person of Mother Ramona Gabarro who has made an effort to travel kilometers and is among us.

My most sincere thanks to our pastor.

Thanks to all the priests present here, to my college teachers, my college friends, former altar boys from the parish of Lourdes de Mbanga-Moulong and friends from the internovitiate for their moral and spiritual support.

Thanks to the various acquaintances who made the trip to enhance the brilliance of the celebration, thanks to the actors of the liturgy and to all who worked to make the celebration beautiful, grace and joy accompany you on your daily journeys.

In conclusion, pray for me, not so that I never fall, but so that I can always recognize my weaknesses and correct myself.

May the Lord fill you with his infinite blessing.

Thanks to all of you who have made a journey from near or far so that together we can recognize the benefits of God in our lives and that he keeps us under his powerful protection.

At the celebration, juniors Falone and Vanessa renew their vows.


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