We celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Montserrat and congratulate Sr. Montserrat

April month is home month,
month that they offer each year
dues esteemed parties:
The festa del patró, Sant Jordi,
I the one of Santa Maria
the Verge de Montserrat.
When spring opens
the first flowers of l'any,
Ens invites you to look in the air,
Ens remember that there are no orphs,
that from the cims of Montserrat
Ens awaits Santa Maria,
the Mare that always esteems,
the Mare that does not fail mai!
I ate on a stone altar,
from the encimbellat cambril,
La Mare ens somriu contenta
mentre ens invites to pujar-hi,
perquè ens vol molt a la vora
I delit you to show us to the Fill!
Moreneta de la Serra,
Senyora de Montserrat,
acaroneu-nos l'ànima
Teach us to estimate you,
Feu-nos sants de veritat!
Des de vostra muntanya santa,
the nostra Sinai admired,
vetlleu per el vostre poble,
Mare de Déu de Montserrat!
Són molts is qui avui pateixen
between clinics and hospitals,
They are molts els that go home
it is troben sad i aïllats, ...
Desterreu aquest virus salvatge
let us tea món capgirat.
aviveu-nos l'esperança,
You that d'això in saberu tant!

M. Cecilia Cartacans, MN


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