"Heal the world": new cycle of catechesis of Pope Francis

Healing the world is the wish expressed by Pope Francis when he resumed the usual audiences on Wednesdays on August 5. With this motto, a new cycle of catechesis begins to face the pressing issues that the pandemic has highlighted, especially social diseases, “in light of the Gospel, the theological virtues and the principles of the social doctrine of the Church ”.
“The pandemic continues to cause deep wounds, exposing our vulnerabilities. There are many deceased, many sick, on all continents. Many people and many families live in a time of uncertainty, due to socio-economic problems, which especially affect the poorest”, the pope remembers with pain.

He invites everyone to “keep our gaze fixed on Jesus who makes the Kingdom of God present in our midst; kingdom that heals and saves; a kingdom of justice and peace, manifested through works of charity that, in turn, increase hope and strengthen faith. Faith, hope and charity that are not simple feelings or attitudes, but virtues infused in us by the grace of the Holy Spirit, gifts that heal us and help us heal others, that open up new horizons even in the midst of storms. The Gospel shows us Jesus who healed the sick, not only of their physical sufferings, but also of their moral sufferings. It brought them out of their isolation to rejoin the community. We see it, for example, in the healing of the paralytic of Capernaum (Mk 2,1-12), since Jesus not only frees him from his paralysis, but also renews the life of both him and his friends, through a personal and social encounter ”.

The Pontiff invites us to ask ourselves: in what way can we help heal our world today? "As disciples of the Lord Jesus, physician of souls and bodies, we are called to continue" his work of healing and salvation "(CCC, 1421) in a physical, social and spiritual sense".

It concludes with the call to "reflect and work together, as followers of Jesus who heals, to build a better world, full of hope for future generations."

Video in Spanish:


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